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“The Paper of Mass media in Pinochet´s case”, Saul Landau, en el seminario: El Caso Pinochet: Lecciones de 30 Años de una Lucha Transnacional contra la Impunidad, FLACSO-Chile, Santiago, Chile
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“How To interpret the Dynamic ones of the Political Elites at Pinochet´s Case”, Katherine Roberts, en el seminario: El Caso Pinochet: Lecciones de 30 Años de una Lucha Transnacional contra la Impunidad, FLACSO-Chile, Santiago, Chile (Noviembre 14, 2003).
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“Judicial Independence and Human Rights Policies in Argentina and Chile”, Elin. Skaar, Working Paper, 15, Michelsen Institute Development Studies and Human Rights (2001).
“The Dirty Legal War: Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Chile 1973-1995”, Edward Snyder, Tulsa Journal of Comparative and International Law, 2, (1995):253-287.http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/evidence99/pinochet/HistoryGeneralArticle.htm
“From unimaginable to possible: Spain, Pinochet and the judicialisation of power”, David Sugarman, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, vol.3 no.1 http://www.journalsonline.tandf.co.uk/media/6804k1bumq0wumehfj6u/contributions/x/c/2/l/xc2lvr0phq2evgky.pdf

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